Bug bị reset Herond Wallet settings


_ Herond Wallet yêu cầu phải Login Herond Account, tuy nhiên hiện tại Herond Account đang login rồi.
_ Herond Account bị Sync-Off
_ Trước đây đã settings Default base cryptocurrency thành USD nhưng hiện tại đã bị chuyển lại về default (VND)

Steps to Reproduce

No steps to reproduce

Your environment

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser: Herond
  • Version: 2.0.32
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This error still happens a lot, it always happens to new users when they just log in and link their Google account. The temporary solution is to set up a secret question and it will go away, it will still keep the previously created wallet.